24 Hours of Care

The world’s first 24-hour interactive documentary an unfiltered look at a day in the life of a caregiver

Over 8 million Canadians act as unpaid family caregivers working around the clock, above and beyond their regular day jobs. This issue affects more than 1 in 4 Canadian adults, yet there is a striking lack of awareness surrounding the issue.

We created 24 Hours of Care, the first 24-hour long interactive film, giving Canadians an unfiltered look into the lives of 10 real caregivers. Viewers are brought into their homes to be first-hand witnesses of all caregivers do - happy moments, hard moments, and everything in between, to show how their caring never stops.

The Interactive Site


Users were able to navigate the film by dragging the hour or minute hands on the clock face. Nearby scenes would populate the frame, giving users a sense of the caregiving experience.


Hundreds of key moments were catalogued and highlighted as red dots on the clock dial. Throughout the film, small pop-ups give users additional context, and insight to the caregiving experience. Each moment had unique copy and images built into the interface, allowing users to share specific moments of the film.

Contextual Advertising

We created contextual out-of-home and digital executions that showed viewers that no matter what they were doing, caregivers were caring.

We served digital videos that corresponded to a viewers’ real time of day, meaning if they were watching videos online at 2am, they got a glimpse of what caregiving looks like overnight.

Our OOH executions contained unique QR codes that let people drop right into specific moments of the film, related to where the ads were placed.


The Results

  • 53% Increased awareness of caregiving as an issue
  • 64% Increase in brand awareness